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Added Commands

Command Description Permission Sample Usage
spsearch Searches Spotify for a track. Only available if spotify is configured Everyone* ?spsearch Never gonna give you up
clear Clears the queue without the bot leaving the channel DJ or higher ?clear
play […] ?shuffle The shuffle parameter makes the play command shuffle playlists before adding them to the queue Everyone* ?play ?shuffle
setsponsorblock Sets the server's sponsorblock settings for youtube playback Server Admin ?setsponsorblock SPONSOR,SELFPROMO,INTERACTION,INTRO,OUTRO,PREVIEW,MUSIC_OFFTOPIC
servers Lists the servers the bot is on Bot Owner ?servers
leaveserver <server-id> Makes the bot leave a server by ID Bot Owner ?leaveserver 1015060230222131221

Everyone* = All users with permissions for music playback

musicbot/commands.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/25 13:00 by ErdbeerbaerLP