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Custom Embeds Configuration

This page tells you how you can set your own custom embed messages.

Placeholders are being reworked in 3.1.0, so this table may be outdated when the update releases


Here is a list of placeholders needed for the embeds

Placeholder Description
%uuid% Player UUID with dashes
%uuid_dashless% Player UUID without dashes
%name% Player name
%randomUUID% Random UUID. Can be used to combad discord cache
%avatarURL% Avatar URL, see avatarURL config entry
%playerColor% Pseudo-unique color generated by the Player UUID
Death Message Specific
%deathMessage% The death message
Chat Message Specific
%msg% The chat message sent


To generate yourself the customJSON value, do the following:

  • Design your embed on
    Some values like the color can't contain placeholders on the website. Set it to any value, you can replace them later.
  • If you are done, select “JSON representation” in the drop down on the right and copy the output below.
  • In case you need to, paste this into notepad (or similar) and replace values with the placeholders, then copy everything again
  • “Escape” the code you have using this website.
  • Paste the escaped code into the customJSON config
  • The config entry should look like this:
    # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at or ask on discord.
    customJSON = "{\r\n  \"author\": {\r\n    \"name\": \"%playerName%\",\r\n    \"icon_url\": \"%avatarURL%\"\r\n  },\r\n  \"description\": \"%msg%\",\r\n  \"color\": %playerColor%,\r\n  \"footer\": {\r\n    \"text\": \"This is an example embed. To start from scratch, click \\\"Clear all\\\" at the top.\"\r\n  }\r\n}"
dcintegration/custom-embeds.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/25 12:57 by ErdbeerbaerLP