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<title>Common Issues</title>

If you get these errors in log or crash, here are steps to help

Enabling webhook mode causes duplicate messages

Disable this config entry:

  # Set to true to allow relaying webhook messages
  allowWebhookMessages = false

This is the only way of circumventing this issue

CloseCode(4014 / Disallowed intents. Your bot might not be eligible to request a privileged intent such as GUILD_PRESENCES or GUILD_MEMBERS.)

Enable ALL intents on your bot page (

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid text after key

You have an syntax error in your configuration file

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/erdbeerbaerlp/dcintegration/common/storage/CommandRegistry

This can be fixed by checking bot permissions and re-inviting the bot using the URL from the guide:

Discord => MC works, but not the other way around

Likely an mod conflict, if you find the mod doing that, please inform me about that

Slash Commands don't register properly or spit out an error

Update to 2.4.4 (or higher)

Username cannot contain "discord"

Change `webhookName` and `serverName` to something not containing the word “discord”

Bot does not have all permissions to work!

Check both serverwide as well as channel (and potentially category) permissions!

My client crashes with discord integration installed

Remove Discord Integration from your client mods folder

dcintegration/common-issues.1715156219.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/08 10:16 by ErdbeerbaerLP