## Q: How to get player messages show like different users with avatar in Discord? > A: Enable webhook mode in the config file ## Q: Does this mod work clientside? > A: No, and it is not planned to make it work clientside ## Q: Will you port this to 1.X.Y? > A: https://wiki.erdbeerbaerlp.de/dcintegration:mcversionsupport ## Q: Can you add a channel for console output and console commands? > A: No, Such a feature would be very likely to hit discord's ratelimit and would cause problems with the normal functionality of the bot. > Closest you can get is the command log feature (showing which player ran what command) and creating custom commands. You can also grab an execute command, allowing you to run *anything* with it () ## Q: How to create custom commands? > Check out ## Q: Why am I not getting any linking code when whitelist mode is on? > A: Turn off vanilla whitelist, it is a different system ## Q: Why am I getting a (vanilla) whitelist message even after linking? > A: Turn off vanilla whitelist, it is a different system