====== Custom Embeds Configuration ====== This page tells you how you can set your own custom embed messages. Placeholders are being reworked in 3.1.0, so this table may be outdated when the update releases ====== Placeholders ====== Here is a list of placeholders needed for the embeds ^ Placeholder ^ Description ^ | %uuid% | Player UUID with dashes | | %uuid_dashless% | Player UUID without dashes | | %name% | Player name | | %randomUUID% | Random UUID. Can be used to combad discord cache | | %avatarURL% | Avatar URL, see avatarURL config entry | | %playerColor% | Pseudo-unique color generated by the Player UUID | ^ Death Message Specific ^^ | %deathMessage% | The death message | ^ Chat Message Specific ^^ | %msg% | The chat message sent | ====== How-To ====== To generate yourself the ''customJSON'' value, do the following: * Design your embed on [[https://embed.dan.onl/?data=eyJhdXRob3IiOnsibmFtZSI6IiVwbGF5ZXJOYW1lJSIsImljb25VcmwiOiIlYXZhdGFyVVJMJSJ9LCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IiVtc2clIiwiY29sb3IiOiIjMDBiMGY0IiwiZm9vdGVyIjp7InRleHQiOiJUaGlzIGlzIGFuIGV4YW1wbGUgZW1iZWQuIFRvIHN0YXJ0IGZyb20gc2NyYXRjaCwgY2xpY2sgXCJDbGVhciBhbGxcIiBhdCB0aGUgdG9wLiJ9fQ%3D%3D|embed.dan.onl]] \\ Some values like the color can't contain placeholders on the website. Set it to any value, you can replace them later. * If you are done, select "JSON representation" in the drop down on the right and copy the output below. * In case you need to, paste this into notepad (or similar) and replace values with the placeholders, then copy everything again * "Escape" the code you have using [[https://www.freeformatter.com/java-dotnet-escape.html|this]] website. * Paste the escaped code into the ''customJSON'' config * The config entry should look like this: \\ # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://wiki.erdbeerbaerlp.de/dcintegration:custom-embeds or ask on discord. customJSON = "{\r\n \"author\": {\r\n \"name\": \"%playerName%\",\r\n \"icon_url\": \"%avatarURL%\"\r\n },\r\n \"description\": \"%msg%\",\r\n \"color\": %playerColor%,\r\n \"footer\": {\r\n \"text\": \"This is an example embed. To start from scratch, click \\\"Clear all\\\" at the top.\"\r\n }\r\n}"