~~Title: Common Issues - Discord Integration ~~ ====== Common Issues ====== If you get these errors in log or crash, here are steps to help ===== Enabling webhook mode causes duplicate messages ===== Disable this config entry: # Set to true to allow relaying webhook messages allowWebhookMessages = false This is the only way of circumventing this issue while keeping webhook mode enabled ===== CloseCode(4014 / Disallowed intents. Your bot might not be eligible to request a privileged intent such as GUILD_PRESENCES or GUILD_MEMBERS.) ===== Enable **ALL** intents on your bot page (https://discord.com/developers) ===== java.lang.IllegalStateException: Invalid text after key ===== You have an syntax error in your configuration file ===== java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: de/erdbeerbaerlp/dcintegration/common/storage/CommandRegistry ===== This can be fixed by checking bot permissions and re-inviting the bot using the URL from the guide: https://erdbeerbaerlp.de/projects/discord-integration/quick-setup ===== Discord => MC works, but not the other way around ===== Likely an mod conflict, if you find the mod doing that, please inform me about that ===== Slash Commands don't register properly or spit out an error ===== Update to 2.4.4 (or higher) ===== Username cannot contain "discord" ===== Change `webhookName` and `serverName` to something not containing the word "discord" ===== Bot does not have all permissions to work! ===== Check both serverwide as well as channel (and potentially category) permissions! ===== My client crashes with discord integration installed ===== Remove Discord Integration from your client mods folder ===== Class loading issues (mainly forge 1.19) ===== Under investigation for a longer time now ===== "Not a json object" error when sending chat messages ===== Try updating the mod first if that does not work, set ''sendItemInfo = false'' and try again